UpdateNode Prerequisites & Supported Operating Systems

Web Browser

In order to access UpdateNode.com you will need to use a HTML5 ready web browser with latest updates installed. We support also older browser versions, however we cannot guarantee that the content is displayed correctly when you are using an old version of your browser.
Specifically, we support the latest versions of the common browsers on all platforms. On Windows, we support Internet Explorer 8-11.
Note, that it might happen that the web site looks slightly different on some web browsers and platforms.

UpdateNode Client

The UpdateNode Client (unclient) is pre-build for the following platforms: Linux, Mac OS and Windows.
We are running tests on following operating systems:

However, the client might also run without any issue on other platforms and OS versions as well.
Note, that on Linux there might be missing dependent libraries which you need to install before the client is able to start. To ensure the best integrity on Linux, we suggest you to build from source.

Android API

The UpdateNode Android API is supported on devices with Android API Level 8 and higher (starting from Android 2.2)